Scott Denham — teacher, translator, scholar

current work:

  • collaborative work in public history with Davidson students and alumni with Jörg Kaps in Arnstadt in Thüringen: on the history of the Arnstadt synagogue (with alum and Fulbright recipient Breila Fuller) and on the history of the peaceful revolution of 1989 in Arnstadt (with Rosa Ramirez)
  • literary translation, of work by Jagoda Marinić and Thomas Medicus; I was a participant in the 2023 Bread Loaf Translators Conference (workshop faculty member Christopher Merrill); I have co-taught the theory and practice of literary translation several times (background on earlier versions of that course in this essay); I have published translations of a play by Friedrich Torberg and a late essay by Thomas Mann in the New England Review
  • ongoing archival project about German-Jewish diasporic and Holocaust and apartheid experiences through photographers’ eyes ; here is a moving selection of letters transcribed and translated from the Milford archive
  • ungrading and liberatory pedagogy (see examples here and here)
  • antiracist and antifascist teaching and research
  • diversity, decolonization, and the German Studies curriculum

current courses:

recent work, reading courses and independent projects with students include

This is a special link just for my incoming advisees at Davidson. Go here to see a metaphorical version of you being invited to join our learning community.

about the images
I like this scene from Kuhle Wampe (Slatan Dudow, Bertolt Brecht, Hanns Eisler 1932).
Kurt Tucholsky is one of my spiritual and pedagogical mentors.